Upcoming events
Dance Base, 40 South Quay, Gt Yarmouth Nr30 2RL. (Use Nottingham Way entrance)
The Island Café, Boating Lake, Waterways, North Denes, Gt. Yarmouth, NR30 4EW
Dance Base, 40 South Quay, Gt Yarmouth Nr30 2RL. (Use Nottingham Way entrance)
The Beach Hippie crystal shop, (behind the bus stop) 149 London Road South, Lowestoft. NR33 0DP
Dance Base, 40 South Quay, Gt Yarmouth Nr30 2RL. (Use Nottingham Way entrance)
Beach Hippie crystal shop, Lowestoft. (behind the bus stop) 149 London Road South, Lowestoft. NR33 0DP
Why join a Sound Bath OR DRUMMING CIRCLE?
Sometimes, we do not realise just how stressed we are. Too much stress can be responsible for so much of today’s disease and illness. When we are stressed, we are often in the fight or flight mode, so our body puts all its energy into a response or reaction. More stress equals more tension and a state of dis-ease.
Consequently, the immune system is compromised, and we are more likely to feel unwell or suffer illness.
In our current world we are bombarded with information which induces the flight or fight response. Our parasympathetic nervous system cannot operate or restore calm and relaxation, so we keep pushing through the stress, and the body becomes more stressed and often unwell. When we don’t listen to our body, it will find a way to slow us down, and this is often through unwellness or through injury.
A sound bath can bring back some calm, by slowing the brainwaves to an alpha or theta state, thus activating our parasympathetic nervous system and restoring our immune system and some calm in your mind, body and soul.
The aim of the sound baths is help you relax, and from this calmer place you can get more clarity and feel more energised.
TO book your sessions, text Dawn on 07936 546791, and I will send you the bank details.
please note…
Sound baths are not recommended for those who are in the first 3 months of pregnancy, have metal implants, epilepsy, or extreme mental health issues.
If you have tinnitus or hearing problems, speak to Dawn before attending, and if you choose to join us, sit further away from the energy tubes and gongs.
If you are unsure, give me a call on 07936 546791 before you book.
Bach Flower Remedies and Sound Bath at Beach Hippie, Lowestoft
Bach flower remedies, Meditation and sound bath for stress relief and relaxation at The Beach Hippie crystal shop in Lowestoft.
Exploring holistic ways to release tension and mental brain fog through the winter months.
Can help with SAD winter blues, mood swings, lethargy and motivation.
Drumming Circle at Beach Hippie, Lowestoft
Drumming Circle at Beach Hippie in Lowestoft. £10
Drumming is a gentle way to release stress and tension in your mind and your body.
Every beat of the drum will start to release your mind, body and soul from stuck patterns, and bring you into a higher state of peace and calm.
Through a calmer mind you can receive insights, clarity and a deeper connection to your true self.
We will introduce some crystals to help you feel more empowered as you walk forward on your journey.
Come and join us to lift up your spirits, and to connect with like-minded friends.
Text Dawn on 07936 546791 or Sue Bridges on 07730 036876 to book your place.
Some drums will be provided, or you can bring your own.
Free parking outside.
Places will be limited so book early to guarantee your place.
Please note: This workshop is not recommended for anyone with hearing problems, tinnitus, or extreme mental health issues.
Bach Flower Remedies and Sound Bath
Bach flower remedies and Sound bath at The Beach Hippie Lowestoft
Sound Baths at the Waterways Gt. Yarmouth
Sound baths for relaxation.
Everyone welcome to join us.
Optimum Health Mini Balance
SATURDAY 29th JUNE. 1 to 4pm.
Optimum Health Balance Mini Procedure with Susanne Lakin. Susanne Lakin will be offering this workshop to help you to release patterns and blockages that hold you back.
This will be a great session for anyone who struggles with repeated tiredness, anxiety, pain and stress, or would like more clarity and energy to move forward.
You will get a comprehensive manual and a set of Optimum Health Cards to use on yourself, your family and your friends.
The cost, including your manual and cards is £60.
This workshop is a great investment for maintaining your balance and wellbeing as you go work through your healing journey.
Art and Meditation
Every Monday 2-4pm
An opportunity to relax with a gentle intuitive meditation, and then create a piece of creative art. Every picture will tell a story. All tools are provided. We would recommend clothes to get messy in!
Contact Dawn Chrystal to book or for more info.
Spiritual Development and Self-healing Circle
Spiritual Development and Self-healing Circle
Every Thursday 2-4pm
An opportunity to come together with like minded people to learn and share experiences and wisdom.
Papier Mache and Mark MAKING art
Every Tuesday 5.30 to 8.30pm £10.
This workshop is great for anyone who feels like they find it hard to switch off, and want to get back in touch with their creative side to bring some calm into to their life?
This workshop is a gentle introduction to the relaxing art of papier mache and mark making art.
Papier mache and mark making are very tactile ways of triggering relaxation and happy hormones in the body.
By the end of the session people will feel more at peace within, and have started a beautiful piece of art. The more you get into it, the more relaxed you will feel.
Reiki Share
Fridays 2 to 4 pm £5
Come along to enjoy the beautiful energies of Reiki to rebalance your chakras and build up your inner confidence and motivation.
Reiki is a gentle way to raise up your vibrations to help you work through every challenges, and bring you a feeling of peace and calm.
Can help with stress, anxiety, pain, boosting your confidence and getting more clarity in your life.
Meet like-minded friends and connect with your inner-healing.
No experience needed.
Numerology Workshop
Unlock the power behind your name. Numerology Workshop with Vikki Fosdal
Laughter yoga
Laughter yoga is a great way to de-stress your body and bring more fun into your life.
It can also bring relief from anxiety and pain.
If you want more energy and clarity this is the session for you.
Taster session £5.
Text Dawn for more information or to book your place. 07936546791.
Intuitive meditation and art
Meditation and art are natural ways to help you relax and unwind.
Come along and join us to see what you could create.
Sound and Movement
Join us for a fun immersive experience with Helen King and Victoria River.
A self-exploration through movement and sound.
Free yourself with sound and movements.
Taster session £5
A fun self-exploration through movement and sound.
Join us for a fun immersive experience with Helen King and Victoria River.
Free yourself from stress and limitations.
No experience needed. If you can move, you can dance.
Taster session
Laughter Yoga
Laughter Yoga is a great way to destress your mind and your body.
It can help with anxiety, stress, breathing problems and low energy.
Bring your feel good-chemicals back into your day with Vivienne Hill and her Laughter Yoga.
Taster session 2pm to 3pm £5
Wellbeing Fayre
Wellbeing Fayre in Gt. Yarmouth
If you are sitting at a crossroads in your life, and would like some clarity and motivation, come along to our Wellbeing Fayre on Saturday 8th April
Wellbeing Fayre
Wellbeing Fayre Sunday 26th February 11 to 4pm . For this event and other events at The Vicarage Hub, please go to my blog page.
Events are all over on my blog page. Having a bit of a challenge with this page at the moment
Our new Wellbeing Centre is in The Vicarage Hub, 24 Church Plain, Gt. Yarmouth, NR30 1 NE. We are right next door to the Minster Church.
I will look forward to seeing you there, Dawn For any enquiries call Dawn on 07936546791, and leave me your name
Crystal Bowl Healing
Enjoy the healing vibrations of the crystal singing bowls to lift up your spirits and soothe your soul.
Ann Vincent will start the session with a guided meditation, and lead you gently into a relaxed and soothing healing with her crystal bowls.
All places to be booked ahead please.
£15 per person.
Contact Dawn@dawnchrystal62@gmail.com to book your place.